Raising awareness and planting seeds about ovarian cancer


Hello everyone!

I just wanted to redirect you to our new blog! We had to switch to Blogger because the PayPal button was not working on WordPress and we just wanted to make it hassle-free for those that want to pay online. We hope this doesn’t cause too much confusion from last year’s information. Please follow the LINK to find the newest posts with the most up-to-date information.

We hope to see you all at this year’s crop!

Hooray! PayPal now available. Register before January 31st = $35.00

                                                                        After January 31st = $40.00

Happy Days are here again! Plan to come out for a day of fun with purpose at Zeal for Teal 2011!

We are excited. Planning for the third annual Zeal for Teal Ovarian Cancer Canada fundraiser is well underway. Did you hear the theme for this year’s event?

The 5o’s!

 Yes, ladies. Dig out those poodle skirts and the bubblegum and be transported  back to a time of bobbysocks and sodas at our fun and unique scrapbooking and cardmaking day.

Check out this video. Can you find me in there? Look closely.


As an ovarian cancer survivor, considered in remission, I am thrilled that once again I can join the fantastic Sunflower Seeds team and help do my part. So many things have happened over the year that have made me realize how truly blessed I am to be here. So many women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer are found at the later stages. The prognosis is much different then. However we NEVER give up hope.

Stay tuned for more updates about Zeal for Teal 2011. We would love to have you join us.

Amanda has already indicated that now you can pay using Paypal, online. And if you like, you can get in on the early bird special as long as your fees are paid before January 31st, 2011!



You can now register for the crop online!

You will be directed through PayPal to pay for the crop.

If you register before January 31st, 2011, you can register for the early bird price of $35! That’s a $5 savings!

So if someone gave you money for Christmas and you’re wondering what you should do with it, why not support The Sunflower Seeds Team and also come out on April 30th, 2011 for a fun day of scrapbooking or cardmaking and a whole lot more fun!


Registration Fee
Early Bird $35.00 Zeal for Teal Fee $40.00

Hooray! Just a few days before we get to dive in and enjoy a ‘day at the beach’ with Zeal for Teal 2010.

 We are thrilled that participants are putting aside the time to spend with us and in the process, helping a great cause. Just to remind you that all proceeds from Zeal for Teal go to the Winner’s Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer Canada.

Saturday, June 26, 2010 promises to be a day packed full of prizes and surprises; laughter and fellowship; encouragement and creativity. You won’t want to miss it. And, no, you are not too late to register. Hit the ‘contact me’ button and we will be in touch!

And now, speaking of creativity, it’s time to introduce you to a woman who you might just want to seek out this Saturday. Pam Vanderwood, who just happens to be a bit of a creative soul, is jumping on board with us representing Creative Memories. Pam is going to be teaching the beginner’s class. She has kindly offered to encourage and share some techniques to beginner scrapbookers and those who might need a bit of a refresher! We are so grateful that Pam is so willing to share her gifts.

Pam has faced some challenges in her life, the latest being recovery from losing her husband.

“My life has taken a change in direction this past month as my husband and father of my five sons went Home to be with the Lord,” Pam tells us.

Undeterred, Pam inhales deeply and is determined to journey on, trusting and believing that life holds great purpose for her family and for herself.

 Pam is an Independent Creative Memories Consultant and she enjoys meeting and sharing the Creative Memories philosophy and unique product in client’s homes, at trade shows and at other public venues.

Pam really enjoys the hands-on teaching aspect that Creative Memories affords.

“I enjoy seeing completed pages,” Pam says as she talks about how she encourages workshop participants in the fine art of scrapbooking.

Her enthusiasm abounds as Pam talks about how she looks forward to sharing exciting new products and Creative Memories scrapbooking opportunities with her clients.

Watch out for her Creative Memories June specials – 40% off specified products. Don’t we all love a bargain?

The Creative MemoriesMake a Wish Line© is Pam’s favourite and she loves to talk about how her company has partnered with the Make a Wish Foundation in Canada and donates a portion of the sales from this line to this great organization.

“I am excited about coming to Zeal for Teal this year,” Pam says. She is anxious to support us as we help raise awareness about ovarian cancer.

If you haven’t see the new Creative Memories Storybook Creator #3 you might want to ask Pam about it. She is bringing along her laptop so interested participants can have a sneak preview of this great product.

Time is of the essence! Don’t delay, call today. (nice rhyme, huh?) We look forward to sunshine and smiles on the Zeal for Teal beach. Come on down and join us!

Rain, rain, go away…bring the sun on Saturday!

 It might be raining today but no matter the weather, we know the sun will be shining at the Drayton arena on Saturday. We are expecting a lovely ‘day at the beach’ with lots of laughter, fun and fellowship.

 We hope some people will drop in to visit, too, even though they might not be adept in the art of scrapbooking or cardmaking. For a $5 donation to Ovarian Cancer Canada (OCC) Winner’s Walk of Hope, visitors can have a cup of coffee (tea, juice, pop) along with a snack, browse Vendor Alley, check out the silent auction, the OCC table and books by Canadian authors. So if you know of anyone who would like to drop in for a visit, then tell them about this walk-in option! 🙂

Participants can also sign up for a half day ‘at the beach,’ too, for $20. (9-noon or 1 to 5.)  ‘Course, you’ll miss out on our great hot/cold picnic lunch and all the fun that will happen before or after! But we still promise you a great half day of fun, fun, fun!

 Now for some exciting news. Not only do we have great stores in our Vendor Alley, we have a well-stocked and incredibly interesting onsite scrapbooking supply store joining us once again.

First Choice Trophies and Scrapbooking returns! This fine Listowel business, owned and operated by Tracey deWeerd has been serving the community and beyond for 13 years.

Tracey is not shy about sharing her passion for preserving memories. After 25 years of marriage to her hubby Jeff and having had the thrill of raising her three fine lads and one charming daughter, Tracey has collected many memories along the way.

“We are very much a faith based family and love all the challenges God throws our way!” Tracey said when asked to share a little about her life beyond her business.

Tracey enjoys being busy, as evidenced by her constant involvement in the community.

“I help out with the scrapbooking at the fair. I teach [at] 4-H clubs. I have hosted birthday parties. [I] hold classes in the store. – attend CHA shows, Scrapfest, various crops, and host our own Harvest Crop in October.”

Obviously Tracey is no stranger to hard work! I’m exhausted just writing out this list.

We are thrilled she has agreed to be our official onsite scrapbooking supply store again this year. Tracey has product of interest to all levels of scrappers including B0-Bunny (one of her favourites,) Kaisier Craft, Bazzill, Basic Grey and more. Make sure you stop by and check out her great wares!

I asked Tracey to say a few words about why she is attending Zeal for Teal.

 “…well, I met this amazing young lady (Amanda) who was so supportive of the cause for her mothers sake…[then]when I met her mother at the first crop and heard her story, I was inspired. If we could only all be so positive and blessed even in times of despair…”

How sweet is that? People like Tracey motivate me into counting my blessings daily.

Tracey went on to share her heart…”Life is good …and so we celebrate LIFE. What better way to do this than in a room of supportive women, who can laugh, cry and share with each other while doing what they love.”

We can’t wait to see Tracey again and yes, we do suggest you pop by and say a great big ‘howdy’ to our delightful First Choice Trophies and Scrapbooking rep (oh, and to Candice, her daughter who is joining us again and will be helping Mom in the process!)

Yes, Tracey…you are right. Life is good. And we are so looking forward to sampling a little of that goodness on Saturday, June 26, at Zeal for Teal. 🙂 See you all there!

The clock ticketh!

In less than a week  participants will be enjoying ‘a day at the beach’ with Zeal for Teal. Everyone is invited to don their comfy beach duds and get scrapping!

The kick-off to our 2nd annual Zeal for Teal fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer Canada (OCC) – Winner’s Walk of Hope, begins at 9am this Saturday (June 26th.) Registration starts at 8:30am and conversation and activities begin at 9. Official welcome is at 9:30am so we hope everyone is on time and can manage to grab a snack and beverage to start off the day.

There seems so much to do, but the collective adrenalin allows us to work at high speed so we will be ready and eager to make this a great day for all. The content of the goody bags and door prizes alone are worth the drive to Drayton, if you happen to be from out of town!

By the way, we are still greatly welcoming registrations, so fear not about being ‘too late!’ We still want you with us. Remember, a portion of your $40 goes directly to OCC along with whatever other profits gleaned from the day! Either send a quick email to gbelec@everus.ca or click the contact button on the right of this page.

Also, a reminder about our walk-in special and Vendor Alley. Anyone is invited to come and visit throughout the day. A $5 charge (which goes directly to OCC) allows visitors to share in a snack and beverage of choice and they can peruse the wares and tables of vendors and partake of the silent auction.

One table you won’t want to miss is one manned (and I mean that literally) by our only male – as of today – guest.

Tom Dennis of Drayton is the proud owner and creator of Dennis Chain Creations.  If you want to see some creative jewelry, then you should see what Tom has to offer. I remember talking to Tom a while ago about his chain mail technique creations and he told me that one day he would like to make a full chain mail armor. Now that is quite an ambition.

Tom may not be offering chain mail armour at Zeal for Teal, but he is offering some amazing chain created fashion jewelry. And I might add, they are stunning.

Dennis Chain Creations is looking to do home parties in the near future, but for now Tom sells his wares at trade shows, by private appointment and other venues.

“I will be turning 26 this year, and work as ‘the door guy’ in a custom cabinet shop in Palmerston,” Tom said, when I asked him how he spends his days. 

But obviously, jewelry design and creation is his passion.

“I have been making jewellery for over a year and a half, and we are constantly expanding.”

Tom realizes the reality of martketplace competition so he strives to keep  prices reasonable, and comparative or even below typical jewelery store costs.

Tom indicates that his company likes to specialize in the unique and cites ‘green garnets’ as an example.
“We will have a variety of rings, earrings and some bracelets that we will be showing [at Zeal for Teal.]” Tom said. 

He also hinted that there may be some last minute specials for us to enjoy! Oooh, don’t we just love surprises?

Tom has resided in Drayton for most of his life and is eager to find ways to give back and help out the community. We sure do appreciate Tom joining us on Saturday as one of our Vendor Alley guests. And  as a definite, sweet gesture of support, Tom is not only donating some exquisitely crafted, chain earrings for door prizes and silent auction items, he is also giving Ovarian Cancer Canada Winner’s Walk of Hope, 10% of his total sales for the day. Now there’s a real gentleman!

One more week to the big day! Just think, all these great plans will soon come to fruition and we will be enjoying the moment. Our Second Annual Zeal for Teal promises to be quite a time. We can’t wait to see you there.

This Ovarian Cancer Canada – Winner’s Walk of Hope fundraiser offers participants a wonderful day at the beach. Well it’s not really the beach, but we are having ‘a day at the beach’ as our theme so it’s only right to think sunshine and relaxation. And what better way to relax than to have a nice cup of tea – Steeped Tea, to be specific!

And speaking of Steeped Tea, let me introduce another one of our great vendors – Peg Schieck from Drayton, our delightful Steeped Tea Hostess. Have you heard of the Steeped Tea company? If you haven’t, then let me be the first to recommend you pay this gal a visit on Saturday. One of my favourite teas is Leapin’ Lizards Chai and, another one I really like is called After Eight (yep’ – it really is chocolate mint!)

Peg not only sells tea, she also offers a fine array of tea accessories.

“I do in-home parties or you can order online through my website,” Peg says. Just incase you want to have a look, her Steeped Tea website is www.mysteepedtea.com/KT100145

Peg, who has been selling Steeped Tea for two years, is quite a tea connoisseur.

“I love to drink tea and enjoy [seeing friends also enjoy] a flavorful cup of tea.” 

She knows her teas so make sure to ask about the flavour of teas available and what might match your tastes. Peg has some super June, July and August hostess tea specials coming up,  so if you are interested in checking out her wares, make a point of stopping by her table.

And Peg knows that we all like free samples so get ready to have your taste buds tickled. She will be serving three kinds of teas, but the trouble is, she won’t tell us what kinds!

“Ssshhh…” Peg says, “it’s a secret!”

It’s so good seeing community people supporting our cause and coming to spend the day with us. Thanks, Peg. We sure do look forward to savouring a spot of specialty special teas on Saturday with you!   

 The Sunflower Seeds are digging in their heels and getting things organized and ready for June 26th – our Zeal for Teal Crop day (and more!) We can hardly wait – although we still have lots to do. It sure looks like we are in for a great day of fun and fundraising in the merriest sense.There is nothing funny about ovarian cancer and its often dismal diagnosis but from someone who has been there, I discovered that it is a waste of time sitting around bemoaning one’s fate.

Amanda challenged me to get involved with the Winner’s Walk of Hope and Ovarian Cancer Canada. So I took her up on it.  I now choose to surround myself with happy people and those who look at the half full glass. That would be you!

I will be sharing a little bit about ovarian cancer and my journey at Zeal for Teal, and will be encouraging participants to think about their own bodies and to be alert to any untoward signs and symptoms. But the day is going to focus on hope and health and happiness! Make sure you register soon!

Zeal for Teal promises to be an upbeat, extravaganza for scrapbookers and cardmakers – beginners and seasoned pros.
Don’t forget – we have a beginner’s class for our rookies!

We are even inviting interested people to drop in for a cup of coffee and snack, and to browse our Vendor Alley (for a mere $5 that goes straight to Ovarian Cancer Canada)

Don’t forget the complimentary mini manicures, too, courtesy of Janet Wilson our onsite esthetician, extraordinairre.  Prepare to be pampered.

And isn’t that a great segue into our next featured Vendor Alley patron – Deanna Faris? Deanna is our Pampered Chef consultant who is making the long trip from Cookstown. She heard about our Zeal for Teal and is excited to come and join us for the day and show her fine products.

Deanna is a stay at home mom of two little darlings and one on the way! When she is not tending to her little ones, she keeps herself busy selling Pampered Chef products.

“I work mostly at home parties for social nights, bridal showers and fundraisers,” Deanna says. 

We are thrilled to have her join us for our Zeal for Teal ‘party,’ too.

Pampered Chef is a quality product with some wonderful and handy gadgets for the kitchen.

Pampered Chef offers many tools to make life easier in the kitchen,” Deanna says, as she considers the versatility of her product. “From our handy garlic press and food chopper to our full line of stainless steel cookware, and forged stainless steel cutlery, Pampered Chef has many ways to save you time and make meal prep more enjoyable and interesting!”

Now that might just be worth investigating. I’m all for saving time. 🙂
It just so happens that Deanna has some June show specials on, too.
” The month of June offers all Pampered Chef guests, with orders over $80 their choice of one of our “Corn Companions” FREE! Choices are either the Kernel Cutter, or the Corn Cob Nobs and Corn Butterer!” Deanna tells us.
MMMMmmm fresh corn on the cob. Can’t wait.
Deanna tells us she is excited to be part of our special day.
” I look forward to the fun atmosphere of this event and helping to raise money for such a worthy cause!
And…are you ready for this? Deanna is donating, as a door prize or silent auction item, a Large Stone Bar Pan.  Wow! Where’s my draw ticket?

     Zeal for Teal is a mere dozen days away and we are getting excited!  Busyness is the order of the day as we get down to the nitty gritty of making this year’s fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer Canada the best yet. Okay, so this is only the second one, but we are gearing up for a spectacular day.  The Sunflower Seeds are busy gathering the most appreciated silent auction and door prize donations and a million other tasks. Our goals is for smooth sailing so that YOU will experience a day to remember.  We are bound and determined to shine a light on this dark disease and to prove that cancer is only a word and not a sentence!

And speaking of shining a light, now might be a good time to introduce our latest Vendor Alley gal – Maureen McDonald who will be offering her Mia Bella Candles and products through her (deliciously sounding) business, Jamscents.

Maureen is an independent distributor for Mia Bella’s Candles and, although she just started her business in January 2010, she is already passionate about her product.  “I love the candles,” Maureen says as she details the way she does her marketing. 

“Lately I have been doing trade shows, but I’m would love to do home parties, office parties, email orders, church groups, and fundraising opportunities for any organization that needs to raise money.”

It sounds like the possibilities are endless with our local candle lady.  Maureen lives in Drayton with her hubby and two children and seems to be thoroughly enjoying life as a Mia Bella representative. She finds her new business an excellent way to meet and get to know new friends.

Maureen’s first introduction to Mia Bella Candles was when she received one as a gift.  

“I fell in love with it,” Maureen confesses. “It was a Christmas candle called Home for Christmas.” 

Apparently Mia Bella candles have an amazing ability to permeate evenly.

‘Within twenty minutes, the Christmas smell was throughout my house,” Maureen remembers.  “What impressed me the most [was] the 16 oz candle [that] burned evenly all the way down.  I had nothing left at the bottom of the jar.”

Obviously the candle impressed Maureen so much,  that the following month she became the Drayton Mia Bella representative and has been going strong since.

Another selling feature about Mia Bella is their ‘going green’ earth friendly fragrances and clean burning natural wax.

 “It makes it a perfect candle for any environmentally conscious lifestyle, ” Maureen says.

We are excited to hear that Maureen’s display at Zeal for Teal will include her 16 oz candles, along with simmer pots, mia melts, spa candle etc. I’ve seen a catalogue from Mia Belle and I am fascinated by the pie plate candles. So pretty!

Maureen, in her typical kind manner, is donating a perfectly suited item for our silent auction. 

“I’m donating a Mia Bella Candle for Cure candle for the silent auction,” Maureen said, as I grinned like a Cheshire cat. How fitting is that? 

I like Maureen’s attitude when she says, “Cancer can be beaten!” She reminded me that a lit candle can be a great focal point in a room and can be a wonderful way to relax after a stressful day.  They can rejuvenate you and bring a smile to your face. Anything that can do that, is a good investment in my books! 🙂

We look forward to your presence on June 26th, Maureen. Welcome aboard!